Beaches in Dubai to Make Your Fun Double

If you’re looking for long, vacant stretches of sand, with only the noiseless lapping of waves for company, you’ve certainly come to the inappropriate place. Dubai’s beaches are bustling, all-action hots pots during highlight season, clustered with people playing beach games, picnicking, jet-skiing, jogging, swimming in the woolly Gulf waters or lying oil-slicked in the sun, distinctly star topping up their tans. Many of the beaches along the Jumeirah stretchy belong to hotels and are only available to their guests or those happy to pay a heavy day fee – definitely something to acknowledge when gig your accommodation. 

There are also public beaches, some of which are complimentary and others which charge a small access fee, but offer modest facilities that are kept approximately clean and patrolled by lifeguards. It’s completely adequate to wear swimwear at the seaside in Dubai but some women report molestation and ogling on the free beaches, especially on Fridays when they tend to fill up with off-duty single men. The entry fee beaches have a more family-friendly atmosphere, and some have women-and-children-only days.

The seas in Dubai commonly look very cool but even strong swimmers have been cleared out to sea by strong rip tides and currents. Please take care when swimming and alert any visitors you may have too.
You might also confrontation a lot of jelly fish at assured times all along the year, most hotel beaches have warning signs in place however if you are unsure of a precise beach or area, always look for guidance and never ever swim alone.
AL Mamzar Beach Park
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It is one of the most enticing beaches to visit. It has 5 beaches in anchorages around the coast of the park and is very famous with tourists and residents. Each beach has protected areas with changing rooms and showers.
Kite Beach
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This is the beach where kite surfers converge and it’s great fun to watch them or have a go yourself. It’s a lovely calm stretch of beach with views of the Burj Al Arab and you can take a good long walk up the beach.
Ghantoot Beach
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The Golden Tulip Hotel runs this distance of beach which is great as it means you can use their pool, facilities, bars and cafes too. It’s a great place to breakout Dubai at the weekend and you could even team it with an overnight stay at the resort.
Jebel Ali Beach
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There has been a lot of water front development in that area so the beach is getting lesser. The best thing to do would be to take a preparatory trip up there and check out the lay of the land before you pack the car up with camping gear!
Royal Island Beach Club

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This is not a complimentary beach but it sounds pretty fascinating. First open island of The World advancement we calculate it would be worth it for a splurge- visitors would no doubt be very affected too!
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