Custom of Marriage in Dubai

The main religion in the UAE is Islam and traditions in Dubai reflect the essence of Islam

Dubai is a special mix of traditions and novelty and is an open society. This is one of the main cause why there is enhanced interest shown by the international group towards this Emirate. Some samples of customs and traditions involve: In Dubai, as hosts greet guests, courtesy is an important trait.
Hosts must hail guests and be humble while talking to them. Places where guests are made to sit at homes are known as “majalis”. one for receiving men and the other for women. Eid-ul-Fitr is a festival praised here after a month fasting during Ramadan. As this festival is being celebrated, majalis are orderly on the basis of age. As a visitor in Dubai, you will be assisted with aromatic, bland coffee. Another main tradition here is to eat with the right hand. Visitor in the majalis are dusted with rose water followed by incense burning after the closure of the celebration. Marriage celebrations in Dubai require a lot of preparations, specially for the family of the bride. From the day the marriage date is fixed, only the bride’s family and close relatives are permitted to see her for 40 days.
The bride is obeyed with the best of meal and taken care of well during this time. The ritual is to wash the bride’s hair with amber and jasmine fragrance as the day of the marriage. Traditional oils and perfumes are used to comfort her body with. Before the wedding, the “ladies night” or Laylat Al Henna is performed where the hands and feet of the bride and is involved designed with henna.
Arrangement done by the groom pales in relation to what the brides do. Constant singing of traditional songs and dancing takes place as the relatives and family members enjoy the week before the marriage. Almost all hotels in Dubai assist alcohol however alcohol is prohibited to be served in standalone restaurants.
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