Find the Pros & Cons of Working in Dubai?

It’s quite profitable for many; who think about Working in Dubai, because of high wages and low taxes, it is a capital place for anyone  who want to earn big. But beside this; it is important to keep in mind that Dubai is an Arab city, or a Muslim country. In here tradition and law held in high regard, it is important for anyone; who wants to start a new job in Dubai to know exactly what they are walking into and what will be expected of them.

It’s quite profitable for many; who think about Working in Dubai, because of high wages and low taxes, it is a capital place for anyone  who want to earn big. But beside this; it is important to keep in mind that Dubai is an Arab city, or a Muslim country. In here tradition and law held in high regard, it is important for anyone; who wants to start a new job in Dubai to know exactly what they are walking into and what will be expected of them.
Although considered very flexible when compared to other places in the Middle East, Dubai still maintains traditional dress codes. Any clothes that are transparent, low-cut, or short should be left at home, it is certainly compulsory for women that the stomach, shoulders, and back are entirely covered when in public. And for Men; they must cover their chest, and big no for those saggy pants. But these rules are flexible when it comes to the beach or at swimming pools in hotels, but topless is a big “no” in any location.
Crime rates are very low in Dubai because this country laws are strict and there are serious punishments for people who break them. For example sex outside of marriage is not at all right and also applied to visitors from any country too. Even if you have been live in relationship with your partner from years, you cannot legally live together once you start working in Dubai – even in hotels. If you break this rule as a punishment you can be jailed and then expelled from the country.
If you are married than holding hands is generally okay, but kissing and hugging is not allowed in public. But a rule for dancing is slightly different, it is okay in the privacy of your home or at licensed clubs, but dancing in public is annoying. And without permission of a woman men cannot take picture, harassing or even randomly speak to a woman is punishable.
Muslims pray 5 times a day, it is important that you turn off all music so that their prayers can be given. When mosques call  people through speaker systems. During Ramadan, it is important to know that drinking, smoking, playing loud music, and dancing in daylight hours are strictly prohibited .moreover no picking up your nose or nail biting. Breaking these rules can result in big punishments; for non-Muslims too.
Any disrespect towards religious beliefs or practices is contemplated as offensive act and as result punished by heavy fine and or imprisonment. Other religions are valued in Dubai and may be followed by people from other countries who are working in the UAE. It is prohibited to drink alcohol in Islam, At first Muslims were only restricted to be intoxicated during prayer, public consumption and insobriety in public is illegal, but it is legal for non-Muslims to take alcohol in licensed premises, as long as they have their personal liquor licences to drink. Other country residents must get a liquor licence to take drink alcohol at home.
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